Hello Visitor
It seems ages since I’ve done a newsletter, well it’s my ethos of not wanting to hassle you with overusing your delete button, mine is suffering fatigue overload because my email address has to be “out there” to promote and attract an audience etc. the nature of my biz.
Yes, the world to me, seems to have gone over the top with wokeness, promoting detrimental outcomes void of sensibility. I’ve seen news clips on the TV with politicians unable to define what a woman is in words???... there’s a woke epidemic lol!!
This governments decisions regarding energy seems to have the illogical mantra of “Kill nature to save the planet” they are bulldozing our forests, killing massive amounts of wildlife habitats, drilling holes and scouring our coastal seabeds, imagine the vibrations and industrial upheavals that will be occurring, petrifying and disturbing our marine life.
The Whales and all aquatic life will suffer for sure. Whales and Dolphins use magnetism and sonar
to navigate, so with all the vibrations from that massive industrial constructional bombardment, they won’t be able to thrive, bypassing our coasts or dying on the beaches.
All for the sake of those monstrous hideous windmills and solar panels which are made of toxic materials that will infiltrate our environment, when they ware out and need to be replaced in 20 years, (probably less for those out in the saltwater sea), how will they have to be recycled?
And the overall stupidity being that they won’t provide baseload power because the sun does not shine, and the wind don’t blow all the time.
Large batteries I hear calling “what about us” well, they are a toxic brutes, and I’ve seen, them become fireballs which are very hard to extinguish, water is quite ineffective they have use huge amounts of chemical foam then monitor as they let them burn out.
Enough !!!! SORRY, you may not agree,… but we are intelligent human beings, able to still be friends even if we don’t agree, hence providing that avenue for “debate” the path to sensible decisions, and outcomes,but I just couldn’t stop that flow.. lol!!!!
But!!!!.. (another one) – like that annoying TV commercial “And there’s more!!!!!”
Sorry again !!!!...But we need a Royal Commission into the plandemic, all that was by who and why, we lived the how, which was thrust upon us with government lies and mandates, killing small business traders including me, and assaulting our natural born right to freedom of choice.
Soon in their agenda, they will want us to follow ‘Their” version of what is the truth in information /disinformation and use it as a controlling factor. Watch out for trickery in the “small print” the haven for deception.
Hey!! I’ve just become an Australian Citizen!!! I never could vote being a Kiwi, hence all the weight and burden of political choice now bearing down on me.. lol!!, the trigger for all of the above that has me defining the decision of who to vote for when the election comes.
MUSIC !!!!!!– I need it to be happy, it’s the therapy for me, and I’ll be dosing myself up on it, and you to, should you come and enjoy, and I hope you do, please spread the word for me, and of course “bring a crew.”